
Happy Mothers Day!!!!

 This goes out to all the wonderful mommies out there that constantly keep everything running smoothly. I know my mom sure has her hands full between me and my dad. We really appreciate you mommy, you are the greatest, and if it were up to me, I would give all the moms of the world more than a day. You deserve a week. Hug your moms I know I will! Let them know how great they are. Where would we be, and what would we do without them enduring all that they do on a daily basis?

Mommy and I taking photos of ourselves!

This is a picture I drew of my mom, pretty good aye?

Here I am with my Grandma and guess what? She is My MOMS MOM! What!!!!

Here we are all together, I was more interested in the cake that was sitting just below the frame of the picture, but still I wanted to have a picture up of me with my two favorite ladies.

And here I am with my mom at the beach. Usually Mom, Grandma and I go down to the beach house together and then Dad and Grandpa Jim come down a day later. I love hanging out with the girls at the beach, we always have a great time!

I love you Mom and Grandma!

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