
Another Beach Trip Part 2

For the second day at the beach with Jack and his family we headed to Newport to, once again, visit the amazing aquarium. Even though I was here not that long ago it was really cool to share this experience with Jack, his family, and my dad, who had never experienced the aquarium before. I felt like a seasoned pro, or a trailblazer, or a guide of sorts who knew the lay of the land and could direct everyone to the most exciting parts.

We arrive and wait for the parentals to get coffee from the coffee stand that doesn't open for another 2 minutes..... so much to see, so little time. It's at these moments that I look at Jack and say, "Someday we won't be strapped into these god forsaken things and we can just head out in search of adventure and leave these sticks in the mud to drink their black caffeinated elixirs".

*for the record, she showed up about ten seconds after this picture was snapped.

*added by my father  

Here I am leading my father around to all the hot spots! This rock has a waterfall and a surge that is supposed to simulate the sea and waves crashing into the surf.


Here is another really cool thing about the aquarium. There are these special places where you can crawl inside a fish tank via a tunnel and watch as the fish swim around your head.... very cool!!



As we walked into the underground glass tanks with all the sharks and stuff, Jack and I were surprised to see men swimming around cleaning the tanks amidst these ferocious predators. It freaked me out to see the guys nonchalantly waving at me, carelessly blowing their bubbles and smiling. I was positive that at any second the shark swimming just behind them would sink it's teeth into the guys' air tank and send him crashing into the glass walkway, cracking it and sending people running as water filled the park. People would swim for their lives as sharks, hungry for revenge, devoured their prey. Only Me, Jack, and our families would survive by clinging to the rocks in the picture above, as we planned  our escape to safety.

Oh my god I think I just wrote a pitch for a new shark horror movie! Anyone know the number for Dreamworks?

 Here is a monster from the deep. In the movie, that thing is going to be 600 feet long and 200 feet tall.... be afraid!


 A forested path leads to the animals that you can play on! That play place may be the most exciting thing for me. I love the fish and birds, but I get so pumped when I see all the statues of the creatures.


And finally we make it to the little play place! See Told ya' I was PUMPED!

Drumming on the old wood bench... I can kick out some killer beats.


And when drumming loses its flavor I can always pretend like I'm a captive of some sort... 
"don't just stand there, let me out before the guards gets back!"

Mom and I riding one of the statues!

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